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Testing & Quality Assurance

Testing and quality assurance are critical processes that ensure the accuracy, functionality, and cultural appropriateness of translated content. These processes aim to identify and rectify any issues that may arise during the localization of software, websites, or other materials.

Linguistic Testing

Linguistic testing involves a thorough examination of translated content to verify linguistic accuracy, grammar, and fluency. This ensures that the translated text is not only grammatically correct but also effectively conveys the intended meaning.

Functional Testing

Functional testing assesses the functionality of the localized product, such as software or websites, to ensure that all features work correctly in the target language and cultural context. This includes testing buttons, links, forms, and other interactive elements.

Cultural Appropriateness

Cultural testing evaluates the appropriateness of the localized content within the cultural context of the target audience. This includes checking for cultural nuances, references, and sensitivities to ensure that the content is culturally relevant and respectful.

UI/UX Testing

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) testing focus on the design and usability of the localized product. It ensures that the user interface elements are appropriately translated and that the overall user experience remains intuitive and effective.

Regression Testing - TransEv
Regression Testing

Regression testing involves re-evaluating previously tested elements to ensure that new changes or updates have not introduced any issues. This is crucial when updates are made to the source content or when additional localization work is performed..

Testing & Quality assurance TransEv
Quality Assurance

Guarantees accurate, culturally appropriate, and functional translated content through linguistic and functional testing. It aims to identify and rectify issues, ensuring a high-quality localized product aligned with the target audience's linguistic and cultural expectations.