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Video Remote Interpretation (VRI)

Video Remote Interpretation (VRI) is a language translation service that utilizes video conferencing technology to facilitate communication between individuals who speak different languages. In VRI, professional interpreters provide real-time language assistance through a secure online platform, allowing users to see and hear the interpreter as they convey spoken messages in different languages. This mode of interpretation is commonly used in situations where immediate and visual communication is essential, such as medical appointments, legal consultations, business meetings, or educational settings. VRI provides a valuable solution for overcoming language barriers in scenarios where an on-site interpreter may not be available or practical.

Platform Access

Clients access secure and user-friendly VRI platform, tailored for seamless navigation. The platform ensures an efficient onboarding process, allowing users to easily connect with professional interpreters.

Interpreter Matching

TransEv employs advanced algorithms to match clients with specialized interpreters proficient in the required languages and knowledgeable in the specific subject matter. This meticulous matching process ensures accurate and contextually appropriate interpretations.

Video Conferencing

TransEv leverages widely used and trusted platforms like Zoom or Skype to facilitate Video Remote Interpretation (VRI) sessions. These platforms serve as the foundation for real-time visual communication between clients, target speakers, and professional interpreters. TransEv integrates these platforms to ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience for all participants.

Real-Time Visual Interpretation

TransEv's interpreters, chosen for their proficiency and subject matter expertise, provide real-time, accurate interpretations, preserving the nuances of the original communication.

Quality Assurance

TransEv integrates robust quality assurance measures, including continuous monitoring and a feedback loop, to ensure the highest standards of interpretation. Post-session, clients have the opportunity to provide feedback, contributing to ongoing service refinement.